AvMEDICAL sources premium medical-surgical & laboratory supplies and equipment from 519+ top-tier quality manufacturers. Since 2020, AvMEDICAL has more than doubled our total product portfolio to build a more powerful customer story.
To support our growing customer base and their unique demands during 2020-2021, we added new COVID test kits, accessories and consumable items as well as a full range of PPE products.
We also offer our own private label brand of medical products to provide customers with products of the highest quality and best prices.
In addition to our own line of private label hand sanitizers, AvMEDICAL is expanding it’s product offerings to include co-branded products with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). Current products include BagBath® cleansing wipes and Flairwood custom storage solutions.
AvMEDICAL offers the following catalogs for downloading, however keep in mind some items are available for government purchase only. See descriptions below for more details. Please contact us for clarification on distribution, pricing and availability.
The Medical Surgical Prime Vendor catalog allows the Department of Veterans Affairs to streamline their supply chain. AvMEDICAL has been awarded over 1100 items on the MSPV product list for VAMCs and other government agencies.
ECAT is an internet solution that uses the latest technology for ordering, distribution, and payment, providing Department of Defense and other Federal agencies access to multiple manufacturers’ and distributors’ commercial catalogs at discounted prices. This catalog is specific to medical/surgical items that are BAA compliant.
The Federal Supply Schedule catalog is a VA multiple award contract and supports the healthcare acquisition needs of VA and other government agencies. This catalog is specific to Laboratory products that are TAA-compliant.
The Federal Supply Schedule catalog is a VA multiple award contract and supports the healthcare acquisition needs of VA and other government agencies. This catalog is specific to Medical Equipment and supplies products that are TAA-compliant.
The DLA sets up (Distribution and Pricing Agreements) DAPA agreements with individual manufacturers and distributors and then allows their Prime Vendors to distribute those items at that cost to military installations around the globe. This catalog is specific to equipment.
The DLA sets up (Distribution and Pricing Agreements) DAPA agreements with individual manufacturers and distributors and then allows their Prime Vendors to distribute those items at that cost to military installations around the globe. This catalog is for general medical/surgical supplies.